Salon Schinkelplatz

Website & logo for Handelsblatt journalist Manuel Koch
Salon Schinkelplatz


Manuel Koch is a presenter, stock market expert and YouTuber. As a producer, he develops formats for Handelsblatt, Hapag-Lloyd and the Vienna Stock Exchange, among others. His new project "Salon Schinkelplatz" is a talk show format in which he invites guests from different areas of society to the table and the stories behind the artists, authors, politicians or media professionals. But to implement the project, he needed a little support.


Manuel approached me for this and asked me for help in implementing a website and logo for the new format. The site should introduce the talk show guests and give users the
opportunity to find out everything they need to know before signing up for one of the events.


The challenge of the project was that I had to build a dynamic website for the first time. This means that a content management system (CMS) should run in the background and the design must be adapted depending on the content of the CMS content. In addition, content changes depending on whether the event is in the future or has already taken place. Fortunately, Webflow has very good tools to handle this perfectly! It was also my first website with a registration system running in the background, which took my breath away at first. But luckily I had support from a developer who was able to help me out and connect the open wires in the background.

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The logo

The Schinkelplatz

The basic idea of the logo is based on the bird's eye view of the shape of Schinkelplatz, which was laid out in 1837. Since the square is sort of the frame of the show, I thought it could also be a good frame for the logo.

The Berlin Castle

The Berlin Castle is directly on the other side of the Spree. It was Manuel's wish to integrate it into the logo. Since the building exudes a certain grandeur (which definitely fits into the brand concept), I was happy to include it in the concept.

The website

The most important thing in the cooperation was to understand exactly what tasks the site should fulfill. The site is primarily intended for people who want to find out about the event. This includes especially the press and guests who would like to attend the talk. This resulted in the following structure of the page:

1. homepage Homepage - Here you can find all important information about the event
2. About Manuel Koch - Here the moderator and organizer Manuel Koch is introduced
3. Subpages of the guests (CMS) - Here the guests are introduced and videos and pictures of past events are presented
4. Registration - Here visitors can register for an event to follow the talk live at Schinkelplatz




Adobe Illustrator, Figma, Webflow



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